Miracle Boy - Application Example (Generator)
Challenge faced by customer
Lubrication management trouble causes costly malfunction of the generator equipment.
Even minor clogs at the line filter triggers low fluid presser alarm and in the worst event, electricity supply is disrupted.
Moisture is introduced into the fluid from leaked steam and causes moisture-related troubles.
When the fluid is shared for bearing and reduction gear lubrication, high abrasion powder produced by the gears becomes a cause of abnormal wear of the bearings.
Our solution
Install Miracle Boy SRC-816-22V filtration system connected to VG68 turbine oil reservoir, capacity of 4,000L.
Miracle Boy is a popular choice among combined cycle gas-steam turbine generator due to robust performance and reliability.

Stability of the generator is improved after installation of the filtration system, as this is the important factor especially generated electricity is sold externally.
Eliminated requirement of emergency fluid change caused by contamination from moisture and abrasion powder.
Now continuous operation with les operational cost is possible.