Pritic M-1

The Most Popular model
SizeH:780, W:770, D:515(mm)
Container SizeDiameter:300, H:150(mm)
Number of rotations10Hz-60Hz
(Inverter Control)
PowerSingle Phase AC100V or 3PhaseAC200-230V

Pritic SP

For small size workpieces of aluminium and brass
SizeH:450, W:400, D:400(mm)
Container SizeDiameter:280, H:120(mm)
Number of rotations20Hz-40Hz
(Inverter Control)
PowerSingle Phase AC100V

Pritic W-I

Twin processing container model allows increased production and flexibility. Two different processes simultaneously, or separation of parts and media internal to processing for increased throughput.
SizeH:795, W:1005, D:505(mm)
Container SizeDiameter:300, H:150(mm)
Number of rotations10Hz-60Hz (Inverter Control)

Pritic Slider

For use long, large, or flat work pieces
SizeH:730, W:1440, D:555(mm)
Container SizeContainer Size
H:150-250*, W:100-450*, 1200(mm)
Number of rotations10Hz-60Hz
(Inverter Control)
Power3 Phase AC200V-230V